I then selected the ATtiny85, clock speed 1 MHz Internal, port /dev/ttyUSB0. In the Arduino IDE, I opened the Blink example, and changed the LED_BUILTIN to 0. I used a brand new ATtiny85, so it’s fused at 1 MHz internal. Interestingly, it no longer works on my Duemilanove, only on my Uno. I have to use the Arduino pins above to get anything working.) ( I retested this, it still refuses to work when connections are to the 6 pin header. I’m used to those pins, so that’s what I’m using. There are some comments in the code that it uses the 6 pin ISCP header and this doesn’t work with the normal pins.
I uploaded ArduinoISP to my Arduino Uno, having first set the define #USE_OLD_STYLE_WIRING so that I got: EDITED: Minor corrections after a retest.